Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm back for real?

Curtesy of blogpress app for my iPhone. I've been finding it near impossible to sit down at my computer to write a blog post for a while. I think it's a combination of having 5 young kids and 2 holidays to make, Purim and Pesach ( Passover). I think I expended about as much energy as Pesach cleaning takes preparing an incredible themed Purim with mom sewn costumes of course. Problem is Pesach follows 4 weeks after and it might be a better idea next year to start planning and preparing Purim much much earlier so that when the festivities are over I have the energy to dive into Pesach cleaning and not feel like I need a month vacation because I'm certainly not getting one now.

So you may ask why would I resume blogging a week before Pesach? Well that's because I miss you guys and have so much to share. Last time I looked for an iPhone app to blog with, there wasn't one that supported blogspot but this morning I found it and I'm so glad. I'll blog soon with Purim costumes and later with pictures of the basement!!! The remodel is done! I still need to clean up and set up all my stuff but I have such a gorgeous sewing room now!

Happy sewing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone